9D BIOTECH's revolutionary anti-aging supplement FORZA™ is now in a phase 2 clinical trial in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in partnership with the Italian National Multiple Sclerosis Association and Foundation, the General Hospital of San Martino, in Genoa, Italy, and the Sant'Andrea Medical and Psychology Hospital at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy.
Massimiliano is a Progressive Multiple Sclerosis patient who has completed our Clinical Trial with FORZA™. He is a race car pilot and FORZA™ has allowed him to return to the "Pilot's Life". Here is his story and the improvements he is enjoying with FORZA™
Bianca is a Multiple Sclerosis patient whose experience with FORZA™ has allowed her to rediscover the joys of life.
The revolutionary plant-based longevity supplement
by 9th Dimension Biotech, Inc.
Join us as we take a deeper look at the Biology of Ageing and Degenerative Diseases in our scientific webinar series curated by Clinical Neuroscience Advisor Dr. Douglas Watt, Ph.D.
Update on a tripartite disease
A puzzling outlier in NDD?
A strange first cousin to PD?
A complex multi-syndrome family of neurodegenerative disorders: many questions, few answers
Depression - an evolutionarily conserved mechanism.
Parkinson's Disease and its genes, proteins, and neurobiological and neuropathic mechanisms.
Alzheimer's Disease, what drives it, and the emerging neuro-inflammatory view.
The diseases of aging and the promise of CR Mimetics.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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9th Dimension Biotech, Inc.
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