🇺🇸 ANN ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑
December 17th, 2019
I find the FORZA to be miraculously helpful, and am very grateful.
January 8th, 2020
When I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's I realized that my life as I'd known and loved it was about to change radically. But I'm immensely fortunate to know a doctor involved with FORZA, and I began taking it. Almost immediately my cognitive decline slowed and then began to reverse. My subjective feeling about what's been happening is that this is the long-sought silver bullet for dementia; on top of everything else I understand that the ingredients are all natural. Being skeptical about "miracle cures", I might not have believed a story like mine if it had come from someone else. But for me, FORZA seems to be something more than life-saving; it is mind-saving. My memory and mental clarity continue to improve."
June 26th, 2020
I was definitively diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in February of 2019, over 16 months ago, though the symptoms began years before that. Of course I dreaded the “inevitable deterioration” I was told was ahead, based on the science of the time. Several months later an eminent doctor (and old friend) told me about an experimental supplement called FORZA, which was showing extraordinary results in recovering brain function. He was kind enough to offer to include me in a trial, and I was astonished to see remarkable positive results almost immediately. Not only did my brain function stop its decline, but it began substantially to improve, and then levelled off at a significantly improved level. I’ve been taking it daily ever since, and each time I take it I notice the positive effect on my memory right away; as the mind clears it feels like fog lifting and clouds parting. This is an extraordinary product; I am convinced it will change the treatment of dementia.
July 2nd, 2020
I'm just back from my periodic evaluation by my dementia neurologist. She started the cognitive memory testing and quickly realized that I was doing even a little better than I'd done on the test the first of several times I've taken it -- the first having likely been before my diagnosis (by spinal tap, so I'm told it was definitive. I received the old/initial results on 2/16/19.
Today I decided to try something: I took four tablespoons of FORZA when I got up and another four right before my 11:15 appointment with my doctor. She also said she hadn't seen me smile before -- you may know that Alzheimer's affects, among other things, mood (and this on top of Covid isolation all this time). I'd taken the double dose because I wanted her to see what an effect it can have and came away with a clear impression that she was much impressed. I continue to be grateful beyond words.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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